Roof maintenance can be a tough thing. You will be required to put forth a lot of effort and time. Neglecting it is never a good idea. It\’s your home\’s roof\’s job to protect your house from the environment and deserves your attention. This article will help you do that.
Give your roof a good looking at least once each year. Your roof is most likely to incur damage during winter and spring. In that time make sure you keep an extra eye out for issues.
Roof foundations may be the cause of your leaks so don\’t only assume it is the shingles. Water could be seeping in from somewhere else, such as dry-rotted siding or gaps along windows or doors. Look for ever potential entry area, rotten wood included, to be sure you get the problem permanently fixed.
With regards to roofing, it is important to consider the weather. Clay roofing is good for climates that are dry, and they keep the temperature of the house down. Clay tiles should not be used in wet climates as they will deteriorate much quicker than other materials would. If you\’re not sure, ask.
If you\’re looking to hire a contractor to work on your roof, be sure and look at their references. Call the clients and ask them about their experience. Look into these addresses on your own too. You can drive by their other houses and check them out so you know if you want to hire them.
Be sure to ask many questions of your roofer before hiring him. For instance, you should inquire as to how many nails will be used for each shingle. You usually need more than three to do the job well. Ask them about their work, and really consider the answers. If you don\’t get the right answers, walk away.
Don\’t use band-aid solutions. It may seem cost effective at the time, but in the end, you are more likely to have further damage that will only cost you more money. Always fix issues quickly and completely, to avoid major issues later.
How old your roof is will often determine whether or not it is time to replace it. Most roofs have a lifespan of around 20 years. If your current roof was placed over an old one, you\’re going to have to have it replaced once it\’s twenty years old.
Warranty Options
Discuss warranty options with any potential contractor. Some roofers may offer better warranty options than others do. Additionally, you should be sure you get a written copy of the warranty at the same time you receive the estimate so that you\’ll have the documentation on-hand. In that way, you can have all terms in writing, and can prevent disagreements going forward.
If the source of your leaky roof is evading you, don\’t worry. You\’ll find it sooner or later, likely by using a hose and having a friend help. Communicate via cell phone if you have a large house so that you ensure there is no large pools of water flowing into the home as you test for leaks.
Roof maintenance takes a lot of time and energy. However, now you should know that it\’s important to take care of. Use this article as a quick reference guide if you run into roofing troubles later. You\’ll be happy that you did so.
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